I moved to London a few years ago with Lindsay, one of my friends from Fashion School. Let me just take a minute to describe Lindsay. Lindsay is organized. I have never met anyone in my life who is as organized as she is. She has a system for everything, if she sees you doing something that can be done more efficiently she will let you know. I now know how to eat a muffin without making crumbs thanks to Lindsay. When I had friends over to our flat I would take them on a tour of Lindsay's make-up drawer and her closets. Why would I do this? The level of organization was so incredible I just needed to show everyone.
Lindsay-goddess of organization/booker of the tickets-just went silent. There was a flight to London later that night but it cost $800. We didn't have that money. There was one the next day for $400 (who has ever paid that much money for a RyanAir flight?) I was swearing all over the place and Miss Lindsay Walsh was mute. I was still holding out hope that maybe we could teleport to Austria. After about 5 minutes of utter shock it was decided that we would take the less expensive flight the next day. Silently, we went back into the city and found an Internet cafe, transferred money around, booked the flight, found a hostel, dropped off our bags, phoned our work to say we wouldn't be in the next day and after all that we just bummed around Granada for the day. Amazingly it turned out to be a really nice day. I'm so glad that I didn't book the tickets because...well...I'm Katie...and that type of mistake would be more likely to happen by my hand. For Lindsay to do the mistake was so out of character I found it shocking. I am still shocked. My theory is that if it makes a good story then it was worth it. To me this was worth it because it's makes a pretty good story.
London was getting us down and so we decided to treat ourselves to a little holiday in Spain and Lindsay was in charge of booking our airplane tickets. We were flying from London to a city in Spain that I can't recall, taking a bus to Tarifa (where we would spend a week) and we were flying back from Granada. We were flying RyanAir and we were in search of the cheapest option and that was it. So after a week of partying and making some fab little time friends we took a bus to Granada and had a quiet night. We were flying out the next day around lunch time and we didn't want to miss our plane. We got to the Airport with about 3 hours to spare and our flight wasn't up on the departure board yet so we went outside and laid in the sun. Granada is quite a sleepy airport and it was midday and we were in the south so it didn't strike us odd that our flight wasn't listed. After about 40 minutes we went back inside to check the board. Still no flight to Stansted...but there was one to Liverpool 2 hours after ours. This was fishy. I saw a RyanAir info desk and the guy was closing for lunch (!SPAIN! you know what I mean?) I ran over and asked him where our flight was. He was kind of annoyed because we were interrupting his 3 hour lunch break but he helped. He looked at our tickets, looked at us and said "You are flying from Graz" and I was like "I know, where is our flight?" (Our ticket said Graz on it but I thought it was the Airport Code like LHR or YYZ I guess I assumed that Granada was special so it got an extra letter). The guy said "Graz is in Austria." Oh Shit. Because of how my brain works the first thought that went through my head was "Quick, how do we get to Austria in 2 hours?!"
Lindsay-goddess of organization/booker of the tickets-just went silent. There was a flight to London later that night but it cost $800. We didn't have that money. There was one the next day for $400 (who has ever paid that much money for a RyanAir flight?) I was swearing all over the place and Miss Lindsay Walsh was mute. I was still holding out hope that maybe we could teleport to Austria. After about 5 minutes of utter shock it was decided that we would take the less expensive flight the next day. Silently, we went back into the city and found an Internet cafe, transferred money around, booked the flight, found a hostel, dropped off our bags, phoned our work to say we wouldn't be in the next day and after all that we just bummed around Granada for the day. Amazingly it turned out to be a really nice day. I'm so glad that I didn't book the tickets because...well...I'm Katie...and that type of mistake would be more likely to happen by my hand. For Lindsay to do the mistake was so out of character I found it shocking. I am still shocked. My theory is that if it makes a good story then it was worth it. To me this was worth it because it's makes a pretty good story.
Now, what doesn't make a good story is the Viagra spam my email keeps sending everyone on my hotmail contact list. I am sorry about this. I think I've fixed the problem. I am sorry if I have offended anyone.
i miss you and your viagra spam cause every time i saw your name in my inbox there was a little hope in my heart that the email would say 'lets go for coffee right now cause surprise.. i'm here.' cause that is something you would do.... cause well.. you're katie.
You, Me. Coffee Competion next weekend. Lets go to Sam James. And maybe a small pilgrimage to The Universal Grill. I should probs just emaill you
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