Friday 10 July 2009

Lost Nation Road

stretching in the moonlight- the far hazy forest is Lost Nation

So we've moved. It almost killed me- never again will I move house and wood shop at the same time. I've taken some time away from the blog....but I've started feeling guilty about not writing anything, I am moving into the wood shop next Wednesday so I can start putting creations up again but in the meantime I will tell a little story. It's the story of the inspiration of the name Lost Nation.

the lake from my cottage deck

My cottage is a very sacred place. My dad built it in 1973 with a handsaw and a chainsaw. I love my cottage very very deeply and I have a deep magnetic pull to it. We used to run like wild children up there and my sister and I would always go on huge excursions that would take most of the day. When we were 15/16 we decided to take the canoe and go rock climbing at the far end of the lake and my younger cousin came along for the adventure. Of course when we got to the top of the rock face Annika and I decided to investigate the woods and we found a logging road that we just had to go down. We ended up walking for ages and to our surprise we ended up on Lost Nation Road. A road that we wanted to go up for ages but we only knew how to get to it from the main road. We were so excited to be there but quickly sobered up because we realised we were miles away from home and our canoe was tucked into the trees half-way up the lake. We also had trudged through loads of private property but only realised when we got to link roads. So we decided we couldn't go back so we went forward (we'd been adventuring for quite a few hours and my cousin was tired and he was getting really pissed at us). Anyways Annika and I swam a kilometer back to our canoe laughing all the way and my cousin walked/stomped along the road to the boat landing where we picked him up with the canoe. It was such an amazing adventure and we did it almost every year. We called it The Lost Nation Pilgrimage. Many special people have done it with us and it has always been a symbol to me of absolute freedom and beautiful, wild, pristine nature.
I got Lost Nation tattooed on my arm last year because what it means to me and calling the business Lost Nation just made sense.

of course all the knotty buoys have anchor tattoos and the birds are there because I love them


pauline said...

what a beautiful story!! hope i can go on the lost nation road with you one day!! :)

Lost Nation said...

You head would explode. Whenever we are in Ontario at the same time we will have to go on a little road trip!