Wednesday 10 June 2009

A little Tree(t)

look at what I found when I was walking the dog! wild strawberries...sooooo yummy!

I went into town yesterday to get some supplies for me and some nice bones for the dog and I decided to tree(t) myself to a field guide book of European Trees. Something I've wanted since the day I moved here. It's so amazing I think it's one of the best purchases I have ever made.


Hello Katey said...

yummy! i love your work. linked here from kelly & olive blog that had an image of your humane antlers. they are simply wonderful. I've always loved the idea of having antlers in my home but hated the idea of it being a dead animal. such a beautiful idea.

your blog is really a treat and very heartfelt. I loved looking through it.

Lost Nation said...

Oh thanks so much!